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Valerie Heitkamp,
Executive Director
Physical Address:
218 South Main Street, Suite A
Celina, Ohio 45822
Mailing Address:
PO BOX 624
Celina OH 45822-0624
We are located in the parking lot across from Speakeasy Steakhouse.
Our door opens to the Municipal Parking Lot not to Main Street.
Executive Board Members:
Pam Hoying, President
Marge Gehle, Vice President
Amber Mattraw, Secretary
Sue Freisthler, Treasurer
Board Members:
Donna Billerman
Kevin Droesch
Shelly Droesch
Joe Heitbrink
Cindy Hemmelgarn
Nikki Hemmelgarn
Audrey Subler
Richard Wenning
Honorary Board Members:
Ted Bertke
Therese Hosbach
Nancie Hoyng
Cindy Huelsman
Jerry Kaup
Dorothy Pohlmann
Roger Rindler
Karen Stahl
Ann Willmann
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